Sunday, July 8, 2007

Fun and Done!

It's about time this post was added! It's been a fun, hectic and relaxing couple of weeks since race weekend. The pictures below are in reverse order, because this blogging thing still isn't as easy as it should be (or maybe I'm just not good at it). As most of you know, JL and I finished the race in just over 6 1/2 hours. We walked the last 14 because JL had a knee issue at mile 12. The course, unexpected to us, had 9 miles of the "tank trail" right in the middle of the race. It's called the "tank trail" for a reason (ONLY A TANK SHOULD BE ON IT). Our coaches said that it was actually in the best shape in the history of the race (would have hated to see it in previous years). Anyway, in the middle of this 9 mile stretch JL blew our her left knee. She is a fighter and we walked the remaining way (at a very fast clip). On top of it all, we found out about a month before the race that JL IS PREGNANT! Although we are very excited, this took it's toll on our training as we didn't want to tell anyone until the race was over. She is due in January.

Once again, we want to thank everyone for your support. We appreciate you reading this blog and helping us help people fighting all types of cancer.

We hope you enjoy the photos below from our trip:
click on any picture to open it up larger!

Glacier hitting Prince William Sound

Supermodel JL in front of a glacier

Large iceberg with seals and sea otters (the little black dots) "chillin' in front of a glacier. They hang out here when they have their young so the whales don't eat them.

Look in the middle of the picture above to see the glacier "calving". You can see the splash from a large chunk hitting the water!

Seals chillin' on a berg.

Waterfalls off a high glacier

Another glacier!

Two glaciers have carved out valleys on either side of the chunk of land in the middle. The expanse you are looking at is about 10 miles accross!

Entrance to Denali National Park (Duh!)

This is the end of the road (15 miles in) for private vehicles in Danali.

There she is (a little cloud covered) on the right of the photo. Denali is just over 20,000ft. To compare the white mountain in the left of the screen is about the same height as Mt. Rainier, about 14,000 ft.

A Musk Oxen. A very rare arctic animal that has neither musk glands nor is an ox (huh?)

Some of our catch at the cabin (Alaskan Rainbow Trout). Cleaned and prepared by the one and only Eric Mandel.

MOOOOOOOOOSE! (or "water donkey" as I found out they're called in NH). This one had 2 calves which we saw, but could not get close enough for pictures without endangering our lives!!!!

Our cabin for the week on Wolverine lake. The hot tub felt much better than the cold tub in the pictures below.

Funny crew paddling and enjoying life after a marathon. JL is here too, she's the photographer!

View of the lake from our cabin deck.

Ice bath time!