Tuesday, May 1, 2007

One Down One to Go!

Sorry for the long delay between posts...

We have been up to a lot of working out and fundraising. Many of you donated online or by check because of an email or letter you received from JL or Mike. Thank you so much. A couple of weeks ago JL had a showing of some new and old paintings to raise money. For all that attended, Thank You! For all of you that did not or could not attend, sorry, but you missed out. There were some great raffle prizes, great beer and wine, great appetizers, desserts and great live music! JL sold 20 paintings and raised about $2,500!!!!!!!!

I'll do the exciting math for you all and give you our fundraising update:





only $267 for Mike to reach his goal. If you would like to help Mike make it go here:


The most exciting thing at this point is that all of you helped by giving your hard earned dollars to a great cause! Almost $9,000 to help those fighting for their lives from cancer!
As of Saturday April 21st -- Our Chapter (Washington/Alaska) have helped raise over $400,000!!!

Over the last month training has become longer on Saturday's (up to 2 hours and 20 minutes last Saturday) -- This was just over 13 miles for JL! We went through a month of hill workouts and have moved into tempo workouts (20 minutes of hard running in a 50 minute workout). Sounds easy, but it's not.

JL has almost fully worked through her knee injury. As you can see above she did a half marathon for training last Saturday!
Mike has an I T band injury and should have it worked out by the end of the week. Mike took an ice bath last night to help the injury. For those of you that have never taken an icebath, you should try it some time (HA HA!). Just fill up the tub with cold water, dump in a bag of ice and jump in for about 10 minutes.
Below are some pictures after a hill workout at Greenlake.

Watch for the update when Mike reaches his goal. Only 53 days until race day!