Monday, March 5, 2007

Snow This Week!

It's great to be part of a group that cares so much about raising money for a cure. Here's a team photo taken just after a snowy run.

Just when I was raving about the no rain, IT SNOWS! We had a fun training week this week. Our pace has picked up. JL is running at about a 9:30 pace with Mike at about 9:00 pace. This creates a bit of a quandry when JL forgets her watch. Still some lingering lower leg pains.

JL has been icing her knee regularly. Mike's left shin has been bothering him a bit. Not to worry. Rest weeks are built in to the training. The small aches and pains will go away as the weeks progress.

Next update will be from warmer climates (I promise).

Here's our fundraising update:

JL: $2,000
Mike: $1,110

To help us reach our goals of $4,500 each visit our pages.
Help JL:
Help Mike:

Thanks again to everyone that has donated and helped save lives and helped give people with cancer a better chance of survival.