Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Start of Week 5

On we go with week 5 of our training. Oddly enough week 4 brought our first rainy workout. It was a 70 Minute run on the Burke-Gilman Trail. JL felt very strong and completed about 7.25 miles while Mike also felt strong completing about 7.5 miles. The pace is increasing and this is due to our cardio system strengthening (as well as our legs).

I've added some pictures from earlier runs and clinics. You can see JL showing off for the camera and passing Mike as they end their run.

Here's a picture of our mentors
Jacqualynn and Kelly.

I've added our elevation chart for the race so you can see the ups and downs.

Fundraising update:

JL: $1,575.00
Mike: $685.00

JL is keeping a firm hold on the lead as she seems to get a donation for every one Mike gets. Thank you all so far for donating!!

To help Mike reach his goal go here:

To help JL reach her goal go here:

*Remember to check with your employer to see if they match funds. It's an easy way to double your donation! Also, Alaska Airlines will match every dollar with a frequent flier mile (minimum $100 donation). All donations (including stamp if you mail your donation) are 100% tax deductible.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Start of week 3

We have completed 3 weeks of training! JL has been feeling "spongey knees", while Mike has had the normal leg pains of endurance training. Once JL strengthens those thighs, the "sponginess" should go away. Sunday was the normal 30 minute run (~3 miles) with Monday as a rest day. Tuesday was a 30 minute run: JL feeling a little rejuvenated after the rest day, Mike feeling like he had a week off. Wednesday saw an extra rest day (from running) as it was Valentine's Day and the normal zoo of a day. We had a very successful day, none the less. We followed this day with a 30 minute run and Friday rest day. Saturday we ran for 60 minutes (~6 miles). Probably the furthest JL has ever run. No major aches or pains, except about mile 5 JL said her knee cap felt like it moved to the back of her knee (OUCH!). She finished the run and felt fine afterward.
As for our fundraising:

JL: $1,175
Mike: $485

JL still ahead, thanks to everyone so far for donating.

Donate to Mike:

Donate to JL:

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Fun Has Begun

Well, we've begun the daunting task of fundraising and training to run the Mayor's Marathon in Anchorage, AK.

Our first two weeks have consisted of 30 minute runs on Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Our first Saturday run was 40 minutes and yesterday was 50 minutes. We've started at a slow pace, about 10 minutes per mile, so you can calculate how many miles we are doing (30 minutes=3 mi., 50 minutes=5 miles). We had a shoe clinic yesterday and learned about buying the right running shoes. Then we did one of our favorite things, we bought new shoes (a famous Allen family tradition).

On the Fundraising end. JL is kicking Mike's butt. Currently:

JL - $1,000
Mike - $340

remember if you haven't donated please do so before April 1st.
For JL go to her web page:

For Mike go to his web page:

You can either click on the link above or copy (ctrl-c) and paste (ctrl-v) into your web browser.

*Remember your donation is 100% tax deductible. Alaska Airlines will match donations of $100 or more with 1 mile per dollar. Be sure to check with your employer to see if they match funds, it's an easy way to double your donation.

We will be planning some fundraiser events in the near future so keep checking this blog.